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Advanced French Verb Quiz on Aller

Reinforce Advanced C1 Level with our quiz on the French verb ‘Aller’

Introduction to Test your Advanced Level French on the French verb Aller

Bonjour, language enthusiasts! Are you ready to take your French to new heights? Today, we dive into the heart of the French language – the versatile and essential verb ‘Aller’. This isn’t just any journey; it’s an advanced exploration of ‘Aller’, a verb that does more than just express movement. From indicating future intentions to weaving through complex grammatical structures, ‘Aller’ is a cornerstone of fluency in French. So, sharpen your skills and get ready for a challenging yet rewarding quiz that will test your mastery of this pivotal verb.

Conjugation Table for the French Verb ‘Aller’- To go

Passé Composésuis allé(e)es allé(e)est allé(e)sommes allé(e)sêtes allé(e)(s)sont allé(e)s
Plus-Que-Parfaitétais allé(e)étais allé(e)était allé(e)étions allé(e)sétiez allé(e)(s)étaient allé(e)s
Futur Antérieurserai allé(e)seras allé(e)sera allé(e)serons allé(e)sserez allé(e)(s)seront allé(e)s

Welcome to your Advanced French Quiz on the verb"Aller"

Si j'___ au concert ce soir, j'___ probablement tard.

Quand nous ___ en Italie, nous ___ visiter Rome.

Si tu ___ plus attention, tu n'___ pas ce problème.

Ils ___ qu'elle ___ à la réunion demain.

Avant que je n'___, assurez-vous de vérifier les documents.

Si elle ___ plus tôt, elle ___ l'autobus.

Dès qu'ils ___ arrivés, ils ___ à l'hôtel.

Si elle ___ hier, elle ___ le nouveau professeur.

___-tu ___ au marché si tu avais le temps ?

Ils ___ déjà ___ au marché avant que nous n'___.

Hope you had fun our French Grammar quiz with Advanced French Quiz on “Aller”. Find our latest blog post here.

My works

P.S. Are French verb conjugations nightmarishly hard for you? Or you are someone who like to learn them and practice to perfect your French? Regardless, I have written this book to help fellow learners own French conjugations like a boss!

Here I have:

  • Curated a list of 100 most common French verbs with their English meanings
  • 10 conjugation forms for each verb
  • 200 exercises for you to practice the conjugations you will learn
  • 100 beautiful French idioms to impress your crowd.

I really hope you find this book useful and use it whenever you have to quickly revise a bit of verb conjugations

A French Bullet Agenda to help you continue your passion of the language!

I have also created a bilingual bullet agenda to help you with your linguistic journey:). You will be able to jot down:

  1. Important events
  2. Monthly weekly objectives
  3. Practice gratitude
  4. Your thoughts and priorities
  5. And even practice French verb conjugations 🙂

Below is a glimpse of the journal interior. I really hope it helps you in your day-to-day life from both the language and personal perspectives! 🙂

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