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French DELF B2 quiz on Direct Indirect Speech

Quiz on French DELF B2 Direct to Indirect Speech!

Understanding French DELF B2 Direct to Indirect Speech: Easy Guide In French, direct speech (discours direct) is when you report exactly what someone says, usually with quotation marks. Indirect speech (discours indirect) involves changing the original sentence to fit within another sentence. Let’s explore the rules for converting direct speech to indirect speech with easy […]

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French DELF B2 quiz on Direct Indirect Speech

Uncover the Magic of French Verb ‘Aller’ with DELF A2/B1 Quiz

Introduction to French Verb ‘Aller’ for beginner/intermediate level Welcome to the world of French language learning! Today, we’re setting off on an exciting adventure with one of the most fundamental verbs in French: ‘Aller’. This verb, meaning ‘to go’, is not just about movement; it’s a key to unlocking daily conversations and understanding basic French

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